Mystic Dan Ashamed of Christian MAGA Beliefs
Kentucky Derby Mystik Dan

After clinching victory in the Kentucky Derby, Mystic Dan grapples with a profound internal conflict. Despite basking in the glory of his triumph, he’s unable to revel in the fullness of his achievement. Behind the veil of his success lies a hidden truth: his devout Christian MAGA beliefs and his devotion to Trump. Mystik finds himself bridled in the dilemma of whether to publicly embrace his faith or maintain the silence mandated by fear of ostracism in the Left-corupted racing community.

“I’m proud of my performance on the track, but I feel disheartened that I can’t openly express my Christian MAGA convictions,” Mystik confessed. “In an environment where conformity reigns, revealing my beliefs could tarnish my image as a hero.”

As accolades pour in, Mystik grapples with the paradox of living authentically while navigating the expectations of his Liberal-led profession. For now, his triumph stands as a testament not only to his physical prowess but also to the complexities of equine identity in the spotlight of athletic excellence.


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Hans Riverrport

Hans Riverrport

Hans Riverrport is originally from the Netherlands but strangely speaks with a British accent. Suave and sophisticated, Hans can often be found on a polo ground or Formula 1 racetrack. Hans got his interest in journalism came about as a result of with his love of photography and discoteques. His lifelong nickname is "Twead"


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